Saturday, November 24, 2007

PowerShell DSLs: Using hashtables and scriptblocks together

Previously I presented the use of hashtables and scriptblocks as DSL input formats. You can also convert between them, with processing in between. I tried that out, and I think the result is interesting enough to post. Again, here is the input:

class MyClass {

    field ([string]) S


The previous code would use the 'field' function to manipulate the class object as appropriate:

    function field


        param (

            [Type] $type,

            [String] $name



        # add the field declaration

        $field = New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeMemberField($type, $name)

        $field.Attributes = [System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes]::Public

        $class.Members.Add( $field )


        # add the ctor parameter

        $ctorParameter = New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression($type, $name)



        # add the ctor initializer

        $fieldReference = New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeFieldReferenceExpression(

            (New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeThisReferenceExpression),




        $ctorInitializer = New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeAssignStatement(


            (New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeVariableReferenceExpression $name)



        $constructor.Statements.Add( $ctorInitializer )



    & $memberScriptBlock | Out-Null


But another idea is to have the 'field' function produce a collection of CodeDom objects that can be assembled later.

    # return a hash of the CodeDom objects related to

    # this field

    function field


        param (

            [Type] $type,

            [String] $name




            fieldDeclaration = $(

                $field = New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeMemberField($type, $name)

                $field.Attributes = [System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes]::Public



            parameter = New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression($type, $name)

            fieldReference = New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeFieldReferenceExpression(

                (New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeThisReferenceExpression),



            parameterReference = New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeVariableReferenceExpression $name




    & $memberScriptBlock | foreach {

        $class.Members.Add( $_.fieldDeclaration )


        $constructor.Parameters.Add( $_.parameter )



            $(New-Object System.CodeDom.CodeAssignStatement( $_.fieldReference, $_.parameterReference ))


    } | Out-Null

I suspect that the latter model is a little better because it separates concerns. Consider if I were to add other statements to my language, such as 'property'. The 'foreach' at the end could probably be written in a way that works for both fields and properties. However, the hashtable is slightly concerning, because it's not typed – if I get the key names wrong somewhere, I'm screwed.

I find that I'm spending quite a lot of time on this, but it's important that I find a way to create DSLs quickly. I figured that right now I'm just learning the techniques, and then if I master them, then I can do it more quickly when the time comes.

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