Saturday, May 21, 2005

continuing the CWB trip

I was going to CWB for two reasons:

1. To volunteer. I like CWB and wanted to give back. This day they were having a "work party", so I figured I could get a lot of volunteer hours in.

2. To take the Sail the Museum Pieces class.

On the 3rd & final bus, on walked Vern, the everpresent desk personality at CWB. He had his CWB hat on, and I my CWB shirt. We chatted on the way there, and he said he was short on sailing instructors for the day's lessons.

So, instead of working in the boat shop to clean it up, and then paying for sailing, I volunteered as a sailing instructor all day!

Vern had been pushing me to become an instructor for a year, but I always figured there would be some training, evaluation, advice, practice, etc. But instead I was thrown right in to it. Well, it's a good way to learn.

It was awesome. I ended up spending a lot more time on the water than I would have if just renting. I got to practice all my nautical vocabulary ("tiller to port to head up. trim the jib", etc.), and show off my docking-under-sail skills.

I figure I learned as much as my students - from refining my sailing skills to figuring out how to teach it. And I racked up a bunch of volunteer hours.

Turns out that the Museum Pieces class was canceled anyway. I'll take it next month.

I hope I didn't too much damage to my students!

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