Friday, November 09, 2007

Reid's Journal Entry: Making Apple Crisp

Today Reid made apple crisp. I wanted to know more about it, so I asked him some questions.

J: How many oranges did you use?
R: Zero oranges. It only takes apples and a few other ingredients, which are kind of like spices. Butter,

J: Oranges?
R: No... I mean, yes

J: What else?
R: Weeds. Then we milk and cereal. This is going to be so funny! Don't write that.

J: After you mixed it up, what did you do?
R: I baked it for 2000 hours. What zee doh.

J: How did it taste?
R: It's not ready for that part yet. We added 2000 drops of stevia in. Time for what it tasted like. It tasted like... stevia. Of course it would.

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